

Gendered Dimensions of Migration: Material and social outcomes of South-South migration

Conference | Subject : Gender and Migration
Conference Date :30-Jun-2015 To 02 Jul 2015

The times of ignoring women and girls’ encounter with migration as migrants in their own right and as active members of communities engaged in migratory livelihood practices have gone. In both policy and research circles changes in migration flows have generated profound attention to gendered and generational patterns of migration and to changes in these patterns. Empirical research has since helped enrich the ways in which gendered dimensions of migration are conceptualised and how this may impact policy. Important insights hail from research documenting gender differences in the ability to migrate, the feminisation of certain types of migration, and linkages between labour and mobility regimes impacting migrants and their home communities in complex and often gendered ways. This conference brings together scholars and policy-makers focusing on the material and social linkages between gender and labour migration in the global South. Twenty carefully chosen research-based contributions will explore how notions of gender and age appropriate activities and comportment shape migratory projects and their outcomes, and how migration affects relationships between women and men and between parents and their sons and daughters. Two policy roundtables aim to facilitate dialogue between researchers and policy advisers by linking the latest research findings to current interventions and the lessons learned in organisations working with migrants.

Link : http://migratingoutofpoverty.dfid.gov.uk/newsandevents/events?id=30269

Address : Asian Research Institute, University of Singapore, NUS Bukit Timah Campus, 469A Tower Block, #10-01, Bukit Timah Road, Singapore 259770
Contact Details : migrationrpc@sussex.ac.uk

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