

Brokered livelihoods: Debt, Labour Migration and Development in Tribal Western India

Author : Sanjeev Gupta, David Mosse, Mona Mehta, Julia fnms Rees | 2010
Published By: The Journal of Development Studies

The research discussed in this study shows that the forces leading to migration are as much to do with the social relations of dependency and indebtedness which subsistence failure entails, as with ecological decline. The problem is not so much one of declining production, as of systems of usurious money lending, labour contracting and exploitation. The social experience and consequences of migration are far from uniform, but shaped by class and gender. For a minority of Bhil households migration offers positive opportunities for saving, investment and meeting contingencies. For the poorer majority, migration is a defensive coping strategy covering existing debts and extreme economic vulnerability. In combining unequal and individualised income accrual with the need for joint livelihood strategies, migration has a major impact on intra-household relations. [The Journal of Development Studies].

URL : http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00220380412331322511

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