

Poverty, Inequality and Mobility in Palanpur: Some Preliminary Results

Author : Himanshu, Ishan Bakshi, Camille Dufour | 2011
Published By: London School of Economics, Asia Research Papers

One of the important objectives of the Palanpur Survey has been to track the evolution of various aspects of well being of households in the village over time. A central focus has been income which is inextricably linked to the way agriculture has been organised in the village. At the same time, it must be recognised that agriculture now plays a less important role in the village economy than in the years of the previous surveys. The expansion of outside jobs and migration has brought both a diversification of employment and income sources and a decline in the contribution of agriculture in shaping household income: the shift from farm incomes being a majority share of total income in 1983 to a minority share in 2008-09 represents a fundamental change. [LSE Asia Research Paper No. 45]. change.

URL : http://www.lse.ac.uk/asiaResearchCentre/_files/ARCWP45-HimanshuBakshiDufour.pdf

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