

Bangladeshi Migrant Workers: Responsible Recruitment, Responsible Return

Author : Institute for Human Rights and Business, IHRB | 2011
Published By: IHRB

The roundtable meeting was the third in a series of roundtables convened by IHRB, on this subject, bringing together in a key sending country apparel brands, suppliers, recruitment agents, government and civil society to discuss options for collective and sustainable approaches to strengthening migrant worker protection during the recruitment phase in Bangladesh, as well as responsibilities of companies to ensure safe return of workers, including in times of crisis. The meeting was held under the Chatham House Rule. This report summarises key points raised during the roundtable. Organisations mentioned in the report have granted their permission to be cited. [IHRB].

URL : http://www.ihrb.org/pdf/June_2011_IHRB_Business_and_Migration_Roundtable_3_Report.pdf

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