

Maternal health indicators among migrant women construction workers

Author : Amrit Abrol, Meenu Kalia, BP Gupta, AS Sekhon | 2008
Published By: Indian Journal of Community Medicne

More than half a million women die annually worldwide because of pregnancy-related complications. About 90-95% of these women come from developing countries. The maternal mortality ratio in India is 407 per 100,000 live births (NFHS-3). This paper studies the utilization of antenatal care services along with breastfeeding practices among migrant women construction workers as an indicator of their health status. This study depicts the wide disparity in maternal and child health indicators in this population in comparison with the national and state averages. This information will be useful for local administrators to effectively plan the coverage strategies for this population.

URL : http://www.ijcm.org.in/article.asp?issn=0970-0218;year=2008;volume=33;issue=4;spage=276;epage=277;aulast=Abrol

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