

Vulnerability profile of migrant construction workers to HIV/AIDS in an urban area: A cross Sectional Study

Author : Ajoke Basirat Akinola, Anil Kumar Indira Krishna, Satish Kumar Chetlapalli | 2013
Published By: International Organization of Scientific Research (IOSR)-Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences

It is well known that migrant construction workers are at high risk for HIV/AIDS. India is also the home for the third largest number of persons living with HIV/AIDS in the world with close to 2.5 million people currently living with HIV/AIDS. There are several special population groups in India who are at high risk for HIV/AIDS and migrant workers are one of them.Vulnerability has been defined in several ways, medical, epidemiological, social and political.The migrant population is unique in that they are vulnerable in all these ways. This study was done to understand the vulnerability profile of migrant construction workers to HIV/AIDS in an urban area in south India.

URL : 20141112014057.pdf

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