

Climate Change, Migration and Human Security in Southeast Asia

Author : Lorraine Elliott | 2012
Published By: S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies

The proposition that climate change will or could generate international security concerns has become prominent in public discourse over the last few years. Various think tanks, government agencies and non-governmental organisations have produced reports on climate change, conflict and national security in which they argue not only that a substantial proportion of humanity could be “on the move” as a result of climate change but that migration could be a major factor in the chain of events that link climate change to violent conflict. Yet much of that literature remains poorly informed by research on the demographics of migration and the kinds of choices that people and communities make about mobility. Nor does it pay sufficient attention to the human insecurities that can result from climate change and, when it does occur, migration both within states and across borders as a result of the impacts of climate change.

URL : 20150327124341.pdf

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