


Street Vendors in Ahmedabad, India

Author : Darshini Mahadevia, Suchita Vyas, Aseem Mishra | 2014
Published By: WIEGO

Recent statistics show the majority of workers in developing countries earn their livelihoods in the informal economy. The Informal Economy Monitoring Study (IEMS) is a qualitative and quantitative study designed to evaluate the reality of informal livelihoods. In Ahmedabad, WIEGO partnered with the Self-Employed Women’s Association, a trade union of women informal workers. This study reflects economic driving forces, policies and practices of local governments, value change dynamics; and suggests policy recommendations based on the findings.

URL : http://wiego.org/sites/wiego.org/files/publications/files/IEMS-Ahmedabad-Street-Vendors-City-Report.pdf

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