


Human Trafficking and Contemporary Slavery

Author : Ronald Weitzer | 2015
Published By: The Annual Review of Sociology

The article begins with a discussion of definitional issues regarding human trafficking and modern slavery and then briefly critiques some popular claims regarding each problem. Examples of macro-level research are critically evaluated, followed by a review of micro-level studies that illustrate tremendous variation and complexity in structural arrangements and individuals’ lived experiences. These studies suggest that in this field micro-level research has at least three advantages over grand, macro-level meta-analyses—advantages that are quantitative (i.e., estimating the magnitude of the problem within a measurable universe), qualitative (i.e., documenting complexities in lived experiences), and well suited to formulating contextually appropriate policy and enforcement responses.

URL : https://www.academia.edu/15075275/HUMAN_TRAFFICKING_and_CONTEMPORARY_SLAVERY_2015_

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