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Labour Migration in South Asia: A Review of Issues, Policies and Practices

Author : Piyasiri Wickramasekara | 2011
Published By: ILO

The paper next takes up a comparative review of different aspects of emigration and immigration policies in South Asian countries as reflected in their respective legislative and policy frameworks and practices. It is a matter for concern that migration is being viewed as a national security issue by some countries in South Asia with adverse consequences for the immigrant populations. The paper points out the important role of international instruments and good practices for improving current migration policies. The conclusions identify the crucial role of India as the major emigration-immigration- transit country in the subregion for setting a good practice example in developing comprehensive and transparent migration policies based on international norms. The author also highlights the scope for a subregional approach to migration policy in South Asia through the SAARC framework although progress up to now has been quite limited.

URL : http://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---ed_protect/---protrav/---migrant/documents/publication/wcms_179642.pdf

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