

Migration Patterns

Rural Out-Migration and Economic Development at Origin

Author : Mariapia Mendola | 2006
Published By: University of Sussex

Labour migration is a pervasive feature of economic development. People mobility for temporary or permanent labour purposes is a routine part of agricultural activity. There are very significant migration flows in some developing areas, with considerable impacts on individuals, households and regions at origin. Despite the growing debate about motivations and impacts of recent migration flows, costs and returns of this global phenomenon are still unclear and remain far outside the public policy realm. This is true especially with respect to migration of people from rural areas of developing countries. The purpose of this paper is to review key issues relating to rural labour migration and its links to economic development at origin. What is the impact of migration, both internal and international, on rural and agricultural development in sending regions? This paper examines the empirical research that, despite the paucity of data, offers a basis to glean some insights into the migration-development nexus.

URL : https://www.sussex.ac.uk/webteam/gateway/file.php?name=mwp40.pdf&site=252

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