

Socio-economic Factors

Conflicts and Refugees in South Asia : Emerging Newer Dynamics in International Relations

Author : Mahendra P Lama | 2016
Published By: Sikkim University

South Asia region consisting of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka has been one of the major theatres of global refugee movement. These refugee movements are caused by a variety of both short lived and protracted conflicts. Most of the South Asian refugees are absorbed within the region. These conflicts have undergone large scale transformation over the years as they have become more fierce and recurrent. There are several reasons that could be attributed to conflict in the region. They vary from strident assertion of group identities as manifested in their demand for political independence to change in demographic equations triggered by both intra-country and external migration. It also ranges from the practice of internal colonialism as manifested by constant regional disparity and economic alienation to brutal and massive human rights violation. There are consistent efforts by the extra regional powers to create political constituency for themselves for meeting their strategic goals. There are equally complex and diverse factors that have sustained the conflicts in the region.

URL : http://ir.lis.nsysu.edu.tw:8080/bitstream/987654321/39975/2/Mahendra+P.+Lama--Conflicts+and+Refugees+in+South+Asia.pdf

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