


The Gender Dimensions of Internal Displacement: Concept Paper and Annotated Bibliography

Author : UNICEF | 1998
Published By: UNICEF

This brief concept paper identifies the main issues concerning the rights of displaced women and girls. It aims to sharpen awareness of the gender dimensions to internal displacement and to provide initial guidance to UNICEF and other agencies on the appropriate gender response to the urgent and growing needs of internally displaced women. The subject clearly deserves in-depth analysis and further research, which this concept paper seeks to stimulate. This analysis employs a gender perspective to examine several key questions: What are the major issues of concern to internally displaced women? What steps should agencies take to address and ensure the rights of displaced women? A gender perspectiveó the appreciation of fundamental differences between men and womenís roles in societiesóis not difficult to apply if one approaches the issue from the basic principles of human rights determined by a personís gender. The consequences of not applying a gender perspective resonate in overlooked human rights abuses against women and girls.

URL : http://www.forcedmigration.org/sphere/pdf/watsan/WCRWC/unicef_idpgender_1998.pdf

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