

Migration Patterns

Voiceless Citizens: A case study of Internally Displaced Persons in Nepal

Author : Som Prasad Niroula | 2008
Published By: Refugee Watch

Conflict induced internal displacement is a relatively new phenomenon in the Nepalese, that drew serious attention only after the internal armed conflict in 1996. Very few studies that have been carried out in the past have been able to truly estimate the size of the displaced population and portray their overall situation. Some of these studies describe IDPS considering three main characteristics: 'development project induced IDPs, Kamaiyas, who were formerly bonded labours in landlords's house, and the conflict induced internally displaced persons' (Shreshta & Adhikari, 2005 p. 237). The development projects, like dams for hydropower and construction activities, are minimal in number, as compared to the other two categories. The farmers were compensated by cash or substitution of land but the Kamaiyas are landless so far despite the Government’s commitment to distribute lands.

URL : http://www.mcrg.ac.in/rw%20files/RW32/7.Som_Prasad_Niroula.pdf

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