

Migration Patterns

Social Security for International Labour Migrants: Issues and Policy Options

Author : Rakkee Thimothy | 2013
Published By: V.V. Giri National Labour Institute

The migration landscape has witnessed tremendous changes in the last decade, with migrant stock growing in magnitude and migration flows becoming diversified. From a policy perspective what requires immediate attention is the wide range of insecurities confronted by migrants (International Labour Organization [ILO], 2010a)—a phenomenon that has been difficult to reverse despite increasing population mobility. Factors operating at multiple levels are responsible for this situation. Firstly, due to economic transition and demographic changes witnessed in several countries, labour migration cannot be approached from a narrow perspective, as a flow directed solely from developing to developed countries. A significant share of migrants move between developing countries and also from developed to developing countries (International Organization for Migration [IOM], 2011).

URL : http://www.vvgnli.org/sites/default/files/publication_files/NLI-SERIES-104_Final_.pdf

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