

Migration Patterns

A Meta-Analysis of the Impacts of Internal Migration on Child Health Outcomes in China

Author : Xiaoyue Sun, Mengtong Chen, Ko Ling Chan | 2016
Published By: Bio-Med Central

According to China’s 2010 population census, 38.81 million children migrated from rural to urban areas in Mainland China, a phenomenon that has attracted much scholarly attention. Due to the lack of quantitative synthesis of migrant children’s developmental outcomes, we undertook a meta-analysis to compare their developmental outcomes with those of their urban counterparts. Migrant children are disadvantaged by the sociocultural circumstances in urban areas. Government should target them and provide appropriate support in order to improve their developmental status, which will have a positive impact on the stability and development of society.

URL : http://bmcpublichealth.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12889-016-2738-1

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