


Gender, Migration and Development: An Analysis of the Current Discussion on Female Migrants as Development Agents

Author : Petra Dannecker, Nadine Sieveking | 2009
Published By: Centre on Migration, Citizenship and Development

In recent decades gender and development has become a distinctive field of development policy and research. Different strategies and policies concerning gender issues within mainstream development discourses can be identified. Whereas the aim of the Women in Development approach (WID) in the 1970s was to integrate women in development processes, the Gender and Development approach (GAD) came over a decade later, focussing on gender relations as an essential dimension of development processes. Strategies such as women’s empowerment or gender mainstreaming were taken up by national as well as international development actors and became institutionalized.

URL : https://www.uni-bielefeld.de/tdrc/ag_comcad/downloads/Workingpaper_69_dannecker+sieveking.pdf

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