

Migration Patterns

Researching Labour and Migration between Home and Destination States and Developing a Holistic Rural-Urban Approach

Author : Society for Labour and Development | 2016
Published By: Society for Labour and Development

Migration is one of the most important phenomena in today’s globalised world. In the light of on-going structural changes and consequent changing contours of the rural economy, the nature and pattern of migration has also been changing over time. During the last two decades, the phenomenon of out-migration from rural areas has increased manifold. People from rural areas are migrating in large numbers in search of better employment opportunities outside the agricultural sector. By the end of 1990s, the highest concentration of migrants is in metropolitan cities and areas adjacent to it, such as Gurgaon, Faridabad and Ghaziabad, which form part of the National Capital Region of Delhi. There has been a general change in the destination of migration from rural-rural to rural-urban. However, the intensity of migration is generally reported to be low in India due to the conventional approach of defining migration.

URL : http://www.im4change.org/siteadmin/tinymce//uploaded/Concept%20Note-%20Internal%20Migration.pdf

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