

Migration Patterns

Seasonal Labour Migration in Rural Nepal: A Preliminary Overview

Author : Gerard J. Gill | 2003
Published By: Overseas Development Institute

Seasonal Labour migration is too important a topic for policy makers to continue to overlook. The present survey has added to the store of knowledge on seasonal labour migration at the macro level, complementing existing village level studies, but much more needs to be done before concrete new policy measures could be recommended. A fully-resourced study therefore needs to be conducted if the dimensions and dynamics of this important issue are to be properly understood. A first imperative would be to repeat the present study with a larger number of informants. The key informant base should go beyond the public sector and bring in representatives of NGOs and the commercial private sector. It is also imperative to gain a clear picture of the numbers involved in seasonal migration, and this would require working with migrants themselves, using a participatory approach. The micro work already done, together with the findings of the present survey, will be invaluable in guiding this future work.

URL : https://www.odi.org/sites/odi.org.uk/files/odi-assets/publications-opinion-files/2454.pdf

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