


Migration of Nepalese Youth for Foreign Employment: Problems and Prospects

Author : Prakash Bhattarai | 2005
Published By: Youth Action Nepal

Migration of people from one place to another is a usual phenomenon since the beginning of human civilization. The migration in the beginning was for the sake of food and exploring new places for security purpose. But gradually the migration took the shape in diverse form and now has become a very essential and common in each and every corner of the world. International labour migration is one of the integral components while talking about international migration. Millions of people from around the world (especially from the developing world) are leaving their usual place of residence for seeking better employment opportunities and supply food for their dependents. Globalisation and integration of regional economics have added impetus to the growing mobility of workers across borders (ILO, 2003). Poverty and the inability to earn enough or produce enough to support oneself or a family are major reasons behind the movement of work seekers from one place to another. These are not only characteristics of migration from poor to rich states; poverty also fuels movement from one developing country to others where work prospects seem-at a distance, at least-to be better.

URL : http://www.youthaction.org.np/userfiles/file/Research%20Report%20on%20Labor%20Migration.pdf

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