

Migration Patterns

Demographic Patterns and Social Issues

Author : Wen-Shan Yang, Melody Chia-Wen Lu | 2017
Published By: Amsterdam University Press

In the last two decades, in Asia, women have increasingly been involved in migration, both internally and internationally. Such a phenomenon is distinctive in its historical trend (Hugo 2006: 155). There are several important migratory flows where women are dominant. Firstly, Asian women have traditionally been the major labor supply of domestic workers in Asia and beyond (Hugo 2000: 157).1 Secondly, women from Asian nations have married across borders to spouses both in Asia and in the rest of the world (Constable 2005; Cahill 1990; Penny & Khoo 1996).

URL : http://dare.uva.nl/cgi/arno/show.cgi?fid=174579

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