

Migration Patterns

Migrant Workers and Human Rights Out-Migration from South Asia

Author : Pong-Sul Ahn | 2004
Published By: International Labour Organization

Migration has become a key policy issue for many developing countries, depending on the state of the national economy and the employment situation. Most governments in South Asia view outmigration as helping to curtail unemployment, reduce poverty, and earn foreign exchange through remittances. Remittances sent by migrant workers become a significant source of funds for economic development of the nation. Thus, most governments have promoted out-migration through institutional support of recruitment and policy implementation promoting overseas employment. However, such promotional policy’s do not sufficiently protect the rights and interests of migrant workers and their families. Given the various types of migration and the complexity of migration flows, policy intervention could, perhaps, be directed towards not only harnessing the economic benefits of migration but also reducing the exploitation of migrants.

URL : http://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/@asia/@ro-bangkok/@sro-new_delhi/documents/publication/wcms_124657.pdf

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