

Distress Migration

Outmigration from Bihar: Causes and Consequences

Author : R. B. Bhagat, Nandan Kumar | 2012
Published By: Research Gate

The heavy flow of out-migrants from Bihar has always been a part of scholar’s interest, as it became a metaphor of out-migration led by under-development and poverty. The violent reaction of the political class and host community to Bihari migrants has further accelerated the debate on different issues related to outmigration from the state. Bihari migrants are facing increasing hostility from political class but the ongoing policy of urban planning, which is flipped towards the richer section of urban residents and is also increasing difficulty to survival of poor migrants. In this scenario, it is important to understand the actual pattern of out-migration and its importance for the community of origin. In this study, the volume, trend, pattern and causes of outmigration has been tried to explored. The amount of remittance is also assessed and its role to support the household has been examined. The main source of data for the present study is Census of India, 2001 and NSSO 64th Round, 2007. Census data is useful to understand the volume and stream of out-migration because it is based on complete enumeration. While, NSSO data give extensive information on causes of out-migration and remittance send back to the household.

URL : 20170706122345.pdf

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