

Synthesis of Important Dicussions on Livelihood and Microfinance Issues of Domestic Workers

Author : United Nations Development Program (UNDP) | 2012
Published By: UNDP

Domestic workers are largely migrants to cities. The majority of domestic workers are members of the so-called backward and scheduled castes and of late, young girls from tribal communities. Domestic workers income is a primary source of stable earnings for the family. This fact of the centrality of their income to household survival, their residence in slums and the consequent poor access to basic needs such as housing, sanitation, drinking water conditions, limits the work they do, the working hours they keep and constrains their bargaining position in the labor market. Expenditure on transportation and demands of child care and responsibilities of one’s own household work are other important factors that influence the decisions of workplace and negotiations for remuneration of domestic workers.

URL : http://www.undp.org/content/dam/india/docs/poverty/synthesis-of-important-discussions-on-livelihood-and-mf-issues-r.pdf

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