


Increasing Rural to Urban Migration in India: A Challenge or an Opportunity

Author : Harpreet Singh | 2016
Published By: International Journal of Applied Research

Migration is one of the basic determinant of population change and population redistribution over the space. Migration has many positive as well as negative implication. The rate of net rural to urban migration has increased from 21.2 percent in 1991-01 to 24.1 percent in 2001-11. The present study tries to understand the trends in rural to urban migration and its implications in the form of urbanization (an opportunity) and in the form of development of slums (a challenge). The subject matter of migration is very vast and complex, it may be difficult to project all the possible implications arises due to rural-urban migration. Keeping in mind the limitations of the subject, the present study focus on the two most important implications of rural-urban migration covering the positive aspect on the development and growth of cities (urbanization)-as an opportunity and negative aspect on the development of slums-as challenge.

URL : 20170621121921.pdf

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