

Construction Workers

An Approach towards Migration Analysis of Construction Employees

Author : Manikanth Kanapur, Deeravath Vinod Kumar Nayak | 2017
Published By: International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology

Construction industry is a complex industry known for its heterogeneous work structure. Due to this work structure it is difficult to meet new challenges and deadlines. Hence, migration rates are heavy in construction industry. Objective of the research work is to find out main reasons behind migration of employees in Indian construction industry. To achieve this objective ten factors responsible for employee migration were identified after going through various journals. Pilot survey was conducted with senior employees of the construction industry to verify these ten reasons for an employee migration. With these reasons a questionnaire was prepared. This questionnaire was distributed to 107 employees working for four major construction companies at the regions of Telangana and Sikkim. Out of 107 samples distributed 100 questionnaire samples were received back. Since data collected was skew in nature, parametric tests were done using SPSS.

URL : 20170703105448.pdf

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