

Socio-economic Factors

Dimensions of Vulnerability in Rural and Urban Areas: A Case of Migrants in Karnataka

Author : Kavya Michael, Chandni Singh, Tanvi Deshpande, Amir Bazaz | 2016
Published By: Adaptation at Scale in Semi-Arid Regions

The high growth regime in India during the last two decades has been widely critiqued for its apparently exclusionary development process that has rendered agrarian livelihoods untenable. When combined with climatic stressors – like changing rainfall and increasing temperature – this unviability of rural agrarian livelihoods has led to increased out-migration to the cities. However, the lack of opportunities in agriculture has not been compensated by increased quality job opportunities in urban areas. This structural imbalance has created a mass exodus of rural workers necessitated to engage in precarious city jobs. The process of urban development in India has been highly exclusionary with the impetus on developing world class cities attractive to global finance often denying the basic human rights of a certain set of people living in informal settlements around the city.

URL : 20170727040237.pdf

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