

Migration Patterns

Population Mobility in India: Studies and Prospects

Author : J. P. Singh | 1980
Published By: Sociological Bulletin

In the realm of migration studies a considerable body of useful and insightful literature has developed as a result of interest shown in the varied aspects of population mobility by practitioners of different social sciences during the last three decades. This interest is understandable in view of the immense contribution of migrants to the processes of urbanization, industrialization, population redistribution, economic development, cultural diffusion and social integration. But till today hardly any attempt has been made to put the available studies on migration into a coherent pattern of literature. The usefulness of making a systematic presentment of the relevant literature on a significant subject of research like migration needs no emphasis here. A work of this kind helps researchers know the past trends, locate research gaps, identify the pertinent and pro-found lines of inquiry needed for construction of the theory of migration and avoid the mistake of sterile repetition of an old work. In consonance with the point of view just stated this paper is designed to present a thematic record of findings of survey reports and re-search investigations on India's internal migration. The theme of this paper is explicated against the background of generalizations, models and theories mostly developed out of the Western experiences. The analysis of facts and findings in a comparative perspective will help us to discern the nature of migratory behaviour typical of India.

URL : 20170731031605.pdf

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