


Gender and Labour Migration in Asia

Author : Dina Ionesco, Christine Aghazarm | 2009
Published By: International Organization for Migration

This publication brings together six country case studies dealing with different facets of migration and using different methodologies. If the publication focuses on understanding migration and its impacts from a gender angle, it highlights many other factors that interact and influence gender relations such as education, kin relations, land ownership, native place, networks, marriage, societal values or professional occupation. The studies show that no generalization is possible on the impact of migration on gender roles and that many other factors will influence the role played by migration in gender social divisions. The gender focus this publication provides original insights on specific migration issues in the Asian countries and their international (Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Philippines, Thailand) and internal dimensions (Viet Nam and China).

URL : http://publications.iom.int/system/files/pdf/gender_and_labour_migration_asia.pdf

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