

Distress Migration

Understanding the Implications of Migration for Pro-poor Agricultural Growth

Author : Priya Deshingkar | 2004
Published By: IOM

This paper seeks to clarify the nature of changes and trends in rural-urban migration, the relevance of local labour markets and remittances and their place within the livelihoods strategies of the rural poor and to indicate the ways in which donor policies should be adapted to address these changes and trends. Combining rural and urban livelihoods provides a dual advantage to the poor; agricultural labouring and marginal farming are important safety nets when urban employment is mainly in the informal sector which is high risk Commuting is the most preferred mobility option because it allows people to keep rural social and economic links alive and cuts down the considerable costs of food and housing in urban locations. It also allows households to retain access to government services that are based on resident criteria such as subsidised food, healthcare and education

URL : http://www.oecd.org/dac/povertyreduction/36562999.pdf

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