

Migration Patterns

Pakistan: Internal Migration and Poverty Reduction

Author : Rashid Menon | 2016
Published By: Collective for Social Science Research

The aim of this paper is to document the magnitude of internal migration in Pakistan and draw attention to some of its salient characteristics. A second objective is to provide a nuanced account of the migration-poverty reduction linkage by attempting a more careful analysis of labour migration. Beyond the assumption of smoothly functioning labour markets, we will also explore the possibility of frictions in the operation of these markets. The second section provides a brief literature review. Available sources of data on migration are presented in the third section. The fourth section describes quantitative data and provides an econometric treatment of the determinants of migration. The fifth section looks at institutional challenges to internal migration. The conclusions follow in the sixth section.

URL : http://www.researchcollective.org/Documents/Rashid_Memon_migration_paper.pdf

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