

Labour Markets

The Migration of Women Domestic Workers from Sri Lanka: Protecting the Rights of Children Left Behind

Author : Rasika Jayasuriya, Brian Opeskin | 2015
Published By: OHCR

Remittances that flow from low-skilled labor migration are critical to many developing countries, yet these economic benefits can come at a high price. Roughly half of all migrant workers are women, many of whom are mothers who migrate without their families to perform domestic work abroad. This Article examines the impact of the large-scale migration of women from the Global South on the rights and well-being of the “children left behind.” Sri Lanka is used as a case study because it is numerically significant in its own right (one million Sri Lankan children are directly affected by this migration phenomenon) and provides insights into the challenges posed by these labor migration streams.

URL : http://www.ohchr.org/Documents/HRBodies/CMW/JointGC_CRC_CMW/Jayasuriya_Opeskin.pdf

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