

Migration Patterns

Internal Migrants in India and Their Right to Food

Author : Fian India | 2016
Published By: Fian India

Migration from one area to another in search of improved livelihoods is a key feature of human history. Migration in India is not new and historical accounts show that people have moved in search of work, in response to environmental shocks and stresses, as well as conflicts over natural resources, to escape religious persecution and political conflict. However improved communications, transport networks, and new economic opportunities have created unprecedented levels of mobility. Studies show that the process of migration is influenced by social, cultural and economic factors and outcomes can be vastly different for men and women, for different groups and different locations. There is considerable difficulty in defining a migrant since migration occurs willfully and is also circumstantial. Migration may occur when people shift to urban areas, to explore new opportunities, and in search of better living conditions. This migration could, and often results when source areas lack suitable options for employment/livelihood.

URL : http://fianindia.org/pdf/2.%20Internal%20Migrants%20in%20india%20and%20their%20right%20to%20food.pdf

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