

Migration Patterns

An Analysis of Rural to Urban Labour Migration in India with Special Reference to Scheduled Castes and Schedules Tribes

Author : Mohammad Akram | 2015
Published By: International Journal of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies (IJIMS)

Migration plays an important role in the process of economic development and social transformation. This paper analyzes the push factors of rural to urban labour migration. The empirical results shows that increasing per capita Net State Domestic Product decreases the number of out-migrants from the rural areas of that state whereas increasing the proportion of population living below poverty line, the proportion of Scheduled Castes and illiteracy rate in the rural area of the state decreases the out-going rural to urban labour migrants from that state. The proportion of Scheduled tribes in the rural area is found not to affect the number of rural to urban outgoing labour migrants. Male and female rural to urban labour migrants differ in their responses to the above mentioned push factors.

URL : http://www.ijims.com/uploads/c8ef6f2dc017294947349A.pdf

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