

Migration Patterns

Gender-wise Rural-to-Urban Migration in Orissa, India: An Adaptation Strategy to Climate Change

Author : Ranjan Kumar Mohanty | 2016
Published By: Environmental Migration Portal

Migration caused by human action or natural hazards, or cyclical environmental factors, results in temporary or permanent dislocations of people. These displacements are caused by sudden events like flooding, earthquakes, volcanoes, hurricanes, cyclones, forest/bush fires, Tsunamis, industrial accidents or chemical leakages. These hazards affect both the livelihood and ecosystem of the area. An environmental hazard or adverse climatic change that results in immediate displacement or migration of people immediately after its occurrence is known as environmental emergency migration, as in the case of Tsunami, hurricane, flood, etc. Environmental migration is viewed as an adaptation strategy of households to either diversify or improve livelihood under constant threat of environmental change (UNDP 2009). From 2007, the IOM (2007) defines ‘environmental migration.

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