

Migration Patterns

Moving Towards Decent Work for Domestic Workers: An Overview of the ILO’s Work

Author : Asha D’Souza | 2010
Published By: ILO

The growth of domestic work as a service sector is being continually fuelled by supply and demand factors. Demographic changes such as aging populations, decline in welfare provision, increasing labour force participation of women, and the challenges of balancing working life and family life in urban areas and developed countries contribute to greater demand for domestic workers. On the supply side rural poverty, gender discrimination in the labour market as well as limited employment opportunities in general in rural communities and countries of origin ensure a continuous supply of workers into the sector. Domestic work is a predominately female-dominated sector that is poorly regulated and often unprotected by labour law. It is also often embedded within sociocultural structures, which may make it difficult for employers to see themselves as such. Moreover, issues of gender, class, ethnicity and caste also come into play heightening the weak bargaining power of domestic workers.

URL : http://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/@dgreports/@gender/documents/publication/wcms_142905.pdf

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