

Migration Patterns

Migration of Minorities in Pakistan: A Case Study Analysis

Author : Safiya Aftab, Arif Taj | 2015
Published By: AAWAZ

Migration is as eternal as human beings themselves. It occurs at a variety of scales, from millions of people to an individual or a household, depending on the cause. The study of the phenomenon is, of necessity, interdisciplinary, as migration is typically caused by a range of factors, including economy, race, religion, gender, language, and culture, which typically combine to make each migration or displacement case a complex whole. Migration may be inter-continental, intra-continental, or simply internal – indeed sometimes over short distances. It does, however, always exact a cost, not just in monetary terms, but also social and emotional. This is particularly true when migration is involuntary, or, as it is more commonly called, forced. This paper looks at a specific form of migration – that of non-Muslim Pakistanis, which has occurred as a result of religious persecution. This migration could be domestic (from one city or town to another inside the country) or international (where a migrant has left the country to escape threats). Unlike migration which occurs due to state persecution, migrants are, in this case, not escaping from state violence per se, but from the effects of state apathy and incompetence, or, in the case of some groups, a policy of ignoring or even covertly encouraging offences against them.

URL : http://aawaz.org.pk/cms/lib/downloadfiles/1433481389SA%20AT%20Migration%20in%20Pakistan.pdf

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