

Migration Patterns

Problems Pertaining Migration of Female Tribal Population: A Demographic Perspective on Their Migratory Patterns and Struggle

Author : Richa Rohatgi, A. K. Kapoor | 2015
Published By: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

Migration is a complex issue which has been a subject of keen interest for many years to sociologists, anthropologists, demographers, economists and political scientists. The migrants who work out of their locations face lot of oppression and subjugation with respect to work allocation, socio-economic and political aspects. And if the migrants are women their problems are manifold, diverse and sometimes beyond to address. The indigenous women who are left in the dark, forced to endure extreme poverty. They live in politically unstable and geographically remote regions where there is a lack of adequate education, infrastructure, and healthcare. Migration tends to be seen as the only way out. But, when it comes to women it is very hard to accept and cope-up.

URL : http://www.ijsr.net/archive/v4i1/SUB151022.pdf

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