

Migration Patterns

Understanding the Root Causes of Displacement: Towards a Comprehensive Approach to Prevention and Solutions

Author : Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC) | 2014
Published By: Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC)

The purpose of this paper is to feed into the discussions that will take place during this year’s Dialogue and to help participants re-think displacement in the context of today’s crises. IDMC is developing a more nuanced and complete understanding of the phenomenon of internal displacement with a view to strengthening our monitoring and analysis and, it is hoped, ultimately improving policy and operational responses. Sustainably addressing displacement requires the work of political actors, development experts, human rights advocates, data specialists and many other stakeholders. IDMC will continue to contribute data and analysis to influence policy. Going forward this work will require developing new partnerships across diverse sectors and mandates to enable us to document the multiple causes, patterns and impacts of 2 displacement and find solutions that can be truly sustainable. These partnerships need to be built on a common understanding of what drives displacement risk, how displacement comes about in different situations and which actors need to be mobilised in order to address it.

URL : http://www.internal-displacement.org/assets/publications/2015/20151208-root-causes-displacement.pdf

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