

Urban Policies and Creative Practices for Migrants

Author : UNESCO, UN-HABITAT | 2010
Published By: UNESCO

By focusing on the political roles of local governments in the promotion of social and spatial inclusion of migrants in cities, this booklet aims to raise awareness and empower municipal decision-makers to foster migrants’ human rights at the local level, to underline the benefits of migration for cities and to facilitate the inclusion of migrants within host communities. Migrants’ economic benefits for host cities are multiple: Low skilled migrants fill positions that local populations are no longer able to fill, high skilled migrants off er a wealth of knowledge and a variety of skill sets for the diversification of entrepreneurship; the image of the city is improved by cosmopolitanism; diasporas of various migrant groups encourage new linkages with other cities and industries etc. Local authorities have to guarantee equal access to employment and ensure the right to decent work, decent income and social protection. Special attention has to be paid to the rights of workers in informal economy,such as domestic workers and street vendors. Equality at work should be promoted through anti-discrimination and diversity strategies.

URL : 20140421121105.pdf

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