

Migration Patterns

Internal Labour Migration in Myanmar Building: An Evidence-Base on Patterns in Migration, Human Trafficking and Forced Labour

Author : Piyamal Pichaiwongse | 2015
Published By: ILO

The bulk of information used in this report was collected in April 2015 from 7,295 internal labour migrants, through a survey designed specifically to determine patterns in internal labour migration, human trafficking and forced labour according to national and international law. Respondents were interviewed in 111 townships regarding jobs spanning 273 townships across all of the 14 states/regions in Myanmar. Respondents were chosen from a range of industries, including agriculture, manufacturing, construction, mining, fishing, hotels, food/ beverage services and domestic services, among others. The findings were supplemented with qualitative input from individual interviews and group discussions with internal labour migrants, government authorities and representatives of UN agencies, international non-governmental organizations and local organizations working on migration, trafficking and labour issues.

URL : http://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---asia/---ro-bangkok/---ilo-yangon/documents/publication/wcms_440076.pdf

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