

Causes and Motives of Migration of Slum-Dwellers

Author : Sheshadev Mohapatra | 2013
Published By: International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention

In the process of development in developing countries, there is a shift of labour and capital from rural to urban sectors leading to rapid pace of urbanization. But the relationship between urbanization and economic growth is complex and varies some what among countries. The demographic feature of urbanization process, viz. natural increment of population and rural to urban migration has resulted in a substantial increase in urban labour force. Against this backdrop, this study is an attempt to examine migration of workers from rural to urban areas with reference to slum dwellers of Bhubaneswar in Odisha. The objective of the present paper is to analyse the causes and motives of migration of slum dwellers ,and their mobility within informal sector and from informal sector to formal sector.

URL : 20140508062950.pdf

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