

Rural-Urban Migration and Children's Access to Education: China in Comparative Perspective

Author : Lingxin Hao, Xiao Yu | 2015
Published By: UNESCO

This paper evaluates China’s policies pertaining to the education of rural-urban migrants from 2000 to the present time in a broad historical context. It analyzes intended and unintended consequences of this policy evolution for children’s educational opportunities and provides evidence that China has made an enormous progress toward the level aspect of EFA goals with considerable room for improvement to realize the quality aspect of EFA goals. A comparative perspective of China with India offers a unique lens to advance our understanding of why some policies are more effective than others to move the nation’s free, compulsory education forward. Four lessons drawn from the analysis will inform UNESCO’s post-2015 agenda.

URL : http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0023/002324/232466e.pdf

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