

Labour Markets

Economic Perspective of Migration in North-East India

Author : Rosie Lalrampuii | 2016
Published By: DU Journal of Undergraduate Research and Innovation

Migration can be linked with various factors. In the context of North East of India, population dynamism is one such factor. There has been a high growth rate of population in these regions, of over 45 million. It is characterized by underdeveloped agrarian economy with a very backward industrial sector and on the other hand a very inflated service sector. Even so, agriculture remains the backbone of the economy and is dominated by shifting cultivation. Migration may take place within the same district, between rural and urban; within the same state, between rural and rural or urban and urban; another state or even another country. There are numerous reasons why people migrate from their own homes, a search for employment or better employment. In this research paper, we will take a glimpse of the migration story and relate it with employment at different education level and different status of employed workforce. We will look at only one time period using the NSS 55th round and analyze the patterns of migration in North East Region. We use binary logistic regression to find out the likelihood or probability ratio of the migration due to employment related reasons at different education level, different status of workers and different social groups.

URL : 20170705122744.pdf

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