

A Report on Bonded Labour Rehabilitation Scheme

Author : Socio Economic and Educational Development Society (SEEDS) | 2010
Published By: Planning Commission

As per the Ministry of Labour and Employment, there is a large number (2,86,839) of identified bonded labourers (Annual Report, 2007-08). About 93% of the identified bonded labourers have been rehabilitated;some are in the process of rehabilitation. The maximum number of bonded labourers were rehabilitated in early 1980s and the number of identified bonded labour is decreasing over time indicating the decrease in new incidences and no or very low relapse cases. It has been observed that over the period the program of release and rehabilitation is improving. The gap between release and rehabilitation has been significantly reduced. Still there is scope to make the program more efficient and effective to have better impact on the livelihoods of the released and rehabilitated bonded labourers.

URL : 20140626013354.pdf

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