

Legal Provisions

Street Vendors: Hand Book on Law, Policy And Judgments

Author : National Association of Street Vendors of India (NASVI) | 2012
Published By: National Association of Street Vendors in India (NASVI)

Hawkers and vendors are among those who are the most regulated but the least acknowledged. Their contribution to the national economy has seldom been computed by government. In this hand book efforts have been made to include judgments of the Supreme Court and High Court and specific provisions of Municipal and Police Laws affecting the day to day affairs of the street vendors. Right from 1989 Sodan Singh judgment of Supreme Court, it covers all possible judgments concerning street vending. The handbook is designed to facilitate effective support to advocates, policy maker and vendors.

URL : http://nasvinet.org/newsite/uploads/STREET%20VENDORS%20HAND%20BOOK%20ON%20LAW,%20POLICY%20AND%20JUDGMENTS%281%29.pdf

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