

Migration Patterns

Changing Climates, Moving People: Framing Migration, Displacement and Planned Relocation

Author : Koko Warner, Tamer Afifi, Walter Kalin, Scott Leckie, Beth Ferris, Susan F. Martin, David Wrathall | 2013
Published By: United Nations University

Different policies are required for different types of human mobility related to climatic changes. Hence, it is necessary to distinguish between migration, displacement and planned relocation in climate policy and operations. The purpose of this Policy Brief is to help distinguish between human migration, displacement and planned relocation and present state-of-the-art thinking about some of the key issues related to addressing these in the context of climate policy.

URL : http://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Policybrief_8_web.pdf

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