


Shifts in Vulnerability Landscapes: Young Women and Internal Migration in Vietnam

Author : CHRISTOPHE Z. GUILMOTO, Myriam de loenzien | 2016
Published By: GENUS

Migration places young women in a different environment and makes them especially vulnerable. The concept of vulnerability is usually a multidimensional measure of the exposure of individuals to various sources of external stress, ranging from economic downturns to environmental changes and political unrest. More precisely, social vulnerability may be expressed as risk of livelihood stress or of welfare loss. Gender inequality, compounded by widespread poverty, means that women in developing countries are far more at risk, and this is well-reflected in the existing literature. Young migrating women are a case in point and have often been identified as an especially vulnerable group.

URL : http://scistat.cilea.it/index.php/genus/article/viewFile/566/277

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