

Migration Patterns

Cities in Developing Countries: Fueled by Rural-Urban Migration, Lacking in Tenure Security, and Short of Affordable Housing

Author : Jan K. Brueckner, Somik V. Lall | 2014
Published By: University of Pennsylvania

This chapter surveys and synthesizes existing research on urbanization and housing in developing countries. The goal is to provide a unified overview of the principal urban issues that arise in developing countries, painting a coherent picture that can provide a starting point for policy analysis. The chapter covers empirical work on rural-urban migration, theoretical research on migration and city-size determination, theoretical and empirical work on tenure security and squatting, and the issue of housing affordability.

URL : https://www.univ-paris1.fr/fileadmin/diplome_02U1/images/Photos/Joint_Workshop/Thomas_Vendryes-HukouReformDraft2014.pdf

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