

Children of Migrant Workers

Child Migrants' Rights as Citizens: Rights Discourses, Claims and Realisations

Author : University of Oslo | 2008
Published By: University of Oslo

When planning the workshop we wanted it to be an occasion for exploring the multiplicities of situations migrant children live in, in terms of both their rights as citizens and also the discourses, claims and realizations connected to such rights. As we wrote in the invitation abstract, our research experience is that, Children take part in transnational migration in many different ways. They follow parents in transnational marriages, are refugees, young single asylum seekers, or work migrants. Often children migrate with parents or other care-takers through kinship care arrangements. A growing number of migrants are undocumented, including children who are born by parents without residence visas. We therefore wanted papers and discussions on how political, juridical and bureaucratic practices define children as both migrants and citizens. Below I give a short summary of the different papers, the discussions we engaged in and the debate about the age dilemma immigration authorities are faced with today.

URL : http://www.sv.uio.no/sai/english/research/projects/nicme/events/workshops/ISF%20workshop%20resume.doc.pdf

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